Monday, January 12, 2009

What the....??

Here's a bit of newsworthy info. (Thanks for the heads up, M-A!) Vanessa Hudgens has auditioned for the role of Leah Clearwater in New Moon!! I don't know why, but my reaction to this is pure nausea. Maybe it's because I have issues with Vanessa and her penchant for getting snap-happy in her birthday suit, or maybe it's because Leah Clearwater is very down-to-earth and real and all I can see is Vanessa looking doe-eyed at Sam Uley and singing in her high-pitched, nasally voice that "oh, you know it hurts so bad."

I don't know why this disgusts me, but I think it's safe to say that if Vanessa auditioned for Leah, Vanessa is now Leah. (I don't see them turning away an obvious money-maker like Vanessa Hudgens) And I was just starting to like Leah....*sigh*........Are we looking at New Moon: The Musical? At least Taylor Lautner is back as Jacob. We have that going for us.

What do you think?

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