Monday, January 19, 2009


I just saw that I was tagged for this a while back by my friend Andrea, so I thought I'd do it. Sorry Andrea, I promise it's only because your blog is private and not in my Google Reader.

8 Favorite Shows:

I don't think I have 8 favorite shows. This will be tough.

1. The Office
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Lost (although it's very close to becoming ix-nayed off my ist-lay, we'll see how the new season is.)
5. American Idol
6. Scrubs
7. Saturday Night Live
8. Survivor (although my stupid dish provider doesn't carry its network anymore, WTC?!)

Ah, look at that, I came up with 8. (I almost put Friends, but it's not on anymore. Still, it's the best.)

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Went to church by myself
2. Took a nap--I know, weird.
3. Went to my mom's for dinner...yum.
5. Watched Flight Plan with Bill (good flick)
6. Wrote a blog post early, early in the morning
7. Read blogs
8. Contemplated on how I can better keep the Sabbath Day Holy.

8 Things I Look Forward to:
1. Reaching my goal weight
2. Spring
3. End of cold/flu season
4. Weekends
5. GNO's
6. Bill being done with school
7. Getting published one day
8. Cuddles from my kids

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Red Robin
2. Olive Garden
3. Red Lobster
4. P.F. Changs
5. Famous Daves
6. Chicos Tacos
7. Taco Bell
8. Pretty much any restaurant

8 Things on My Wishlist:
1. To be healthy and feel like a normal 29 year old.
2. To be content with my life and find joy in the journey
3. To be the wife and mother my family deserves
4. To have a normal amount of fears and deal with them in the normal way
5. To get published
6. To be in a movie one day
7. To have a clean house...always. Who am I kidding, I'd settle for some of the time.
8. To be more secure with myself

8 People I Tag:
1. Whoever
2. Wants
3. To
4. Do
5. This
6. Feel
7. Free
8. To

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