Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Go Ahead, Make My Day

You know what I love?

I love getting personal emails. Nothing excites me more than opening my inbox and seeing someone has written me. It makes my day.

I love getting comments on my blog. (Don't we all?) I love hearing what people have to say about what I have to say.

I love it when my husband takes my kids somewhere so that I can regain my sanity. It is a cherished, cherished thing.

I love it when one of my kids randomly comes up and cuddles and says "I love you." It makes all the rest worth it.

I love to eat out. Not so much fun when I'm dieting, but still, I love it.

I love getting a good, uninterrupted nap. It's a very good thing for me.

I love it when someone offers to watch my kids. It doesn't happen often, but I can't tell you how much I love it. I despise having to ask people to watch my kids, even teenage girls who would get paid for it.

I love when people reference my blog on their blog, because I know they're thinking about me.

I love when I realize there's a new show on at night--not a rerun.

I love getting on the scale when I wake up in the morning and seeing it's gone down. Even though right now it's just getting back down to where it was before the holidays, it's still exciting.

These are just some of the things that get me through the day.
Things that make an otherwise routine, unspectacular day a little
more exciting. After an especially horrendous day, I thought I'd
reflect on the things that usually make my days happier.

One major thing that gets me through the day is blogging. It has
become a serious lifeline for me. Because I am not a phone talker,
and do not have time to be one, I rely on the world wide web for
almost all of my outside communication. I can be holed up in my
house and still feel like I'm "talking" to all my friends, or at least
know what's going on in their lives.

But I've had a nagging feeling lately that blogging is sort of fading out.
Maybe it's just a fear that it will, but it seems like readers and/or
commenters are dwindling. (And I'm not just referring to my own
blog.) This cannot happen. I will not allow it. But what can I do?

After giving it much thought, I decided that the only thing I can
do personally to help keep the blogosphere rolling, is to support
blogging more. I know I won't single-handedly keep blogging going
strong, but at least I will know I am doing my part.

So here's what I came up with: If you are reading this, leave a comment.
I will in turn add you to my Google Reader and not only read your blog,
but comment on a regular basis. It's the least I can do. And it's only fair.
(If you have a private blog, send me an invitation. If for some reason your name
will not link to your blog, leave your blog address for me .) If I already read
and comment on your blog, just say hello, because, well, I had a horrendous
day and I could really use the pick-me-up.

Also, I urge those of you who are reading blogs--any blogs--and not
commenting, to do so. Because we put ourselves out there for all to
read, and really, we all want some feedback. Anyone who says they
don't is lying.

Also, if you ever feel like it, drop me a line at
I will email you back, surprisingly fast.

So there. I have done my part. If blogging dies out, it will not be my
fault. (Although Blogger is lucky they are getting my support with
their heinous spacing.) However, if anyone actually got down to the
bottom of this ridiculously long post, it will be a miracle.

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