Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hey, remember this?

Miley Cyrus and boyfriend

Boyfriend: "Check out my arm. When I wear this tighty whitey t-shirt
and hold it like this, I can pretend I have muscles."

Miley: "Oh my gosh, I was totally just thinking the same thing
about my padded push-up bra and this tank! I'm not feeling the
smurf hat, though."

Boyfriend: "What, and you think you look hot with your
farm girl braids? Oh, and Ashton Kutcher called. He wants his hat back."

Victoria Beckham

"Hello? No, I can't hear you, Mum, it's dreadful reception.
I'm just on my way to the lou. You...you can't find your what?
Your fox? No, I haven't seen it, mum, I have no idea where your
fox is. Gotta go, bye Mummy."

Kanye West

Kanye: "I am blowing the roof off this joint in my sneaker/jacket combo."

Guy next to Kanye: "Your shoes are extremely red."

Kanye: "Ain't nobody up in here lookin' as fly as I do, that's fo sho."

Guy: "But...your shoes are....red. You look like you should
be carrying a tiny dog around in a picnic basket."

Kanye: "Fah real, tho, dawg. My outfit's off the hook, right? You feel me?"

"Dude, even the guy behind us with the ridiculously large glasses
looks better than you in those red shoes."

Two people from the new 90210 show whose names I don't care about

Girl: "Look at us holding hands and gazing longingly into each other's eyes."

Boy: "Yeah, it's like we're on the show, but we're not."

Girl: "Yeah, cause like, we're a couple in real life, and on the show."

Boy: "Yeah. Cool."

Girl: "Look how adorable you are with your jeans sagged down past your butt,
just like how guys wore them back when the first 90210 was on the air."

Guy: "Yeah, I never see anyone else wear jeans like this anymore, but if it was
cool back then, it has to be cool now, right?"

Girl: "Of course. Dylan and Brenda would be so proud of us right now."

Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo

Hey, Nick. Vanessa.
You gotta let us in on the joke.
What are you laughing about?

Oh, right.

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