Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Novel Idea

So, like I said, I've been working furiously writing my novel. On any given evening, I can be found curled up in the corner of my couch, paper and pen in hand. (I prefer to write first, then type.) Often I am distracted and have to abandon my notebook for a few minutes while I attend to my motherly/wifely duties.

The other night I came back to my notebook after putting my kids to bed. I had last left off having just started a new page, and had written two words so far before being interrupted:
"It was". I came back to my notebook and saw this:

I started laughing and couldn't stop. Apparently Bill had seen my start of the sentence and decided he knew what was supposed to come next. He said he saw "it was" and the first thing that came to mind was that part from A Christmas Story where Ralphie is dreaming he is blind.
"It...it was....SOAP POISONING."

Bill is still trying to convince me to work it into the story somehow. I said I'll do my best.

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