Thursday, January 29, 2009

Secret Revealed

So, remember that highly classified, top secret project I was talking about? Well, it was a job that I was trying for. My cousin works at Cedar Fort, a publishing company in Utah. When she caught wind of a possible job opening for someone not "in house" (i.e. some random stay at home mom with no credentials or writing experience whatsoever) she threw out my name to her boss! The job was for an ad copy/blurb cover editor. I know, come again? Ad copies are the little paragraphs in catalogs (like Seagull and Deseret News) that describe the books being advertised, and cover blurbs are the synopses on the backs of the actual books they publish. I died at just the prospect of having my words published on the backs of real books. Anyway, I knew it was a long shot but I was ecstatic to even have the opportunity to try for it. I wrote four cover blurbs for four actual manuscripts that were going to press in March (this is what I was referring to when I was saying this secret project was taking up so much of my time) and on Tuesday my cousin presented them to her boss. And then I waited to hear.


You are now reading the blog of Cedar Fort, Inc.'s new ad copy/cover blurb editor!
I seriously am in shock. I cannot believe they hired me, sight unseen, no college education, no degree, no literary experience whatsoever, not even a resume! (Which is really good, since all it would say is "Mom.") My cousin, Jen, is my new hero. She totally took the biggest chance suggesting me, and I owe her....well, something pretty, that's for sure. She had faith in my writing abilities and I love her for that. This has been the biggest boost for me, to know that actual professionals in the writing industry have used words such as "impressed" and "talented" when referring to me. ME!

So the next time you're in a bookstore and flip over a book to read about it on the back, you just may be reading my words! (Oh, and three of the four cover blurbs I wrote as a test, to try to get the job, are going on the books to be published in March!)

Congratulations to me? I think so!

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