Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's Wednesday (subtitle: I can't think of a title for this post)

I have a few things I need to blog about, so I'm doing a little mishmash of sorts, putting them all together.

Firstly, I want to thank everyone for all their kind words on my "Make My Day" post. Last I checked I had over 40 comments and you have no idea how awesome that is for me. My Google Reader is overflowing and I spend way more time blogging (which I didn't think possible) with all the blogs to read now, but I am loving it. I am good on my word--I am now reading everyone's blog who commented on that post, except for Connie--it won't let me view your profile. Anyway, thank you so much for the much needed boost. I am confident that blogging is still going strong, for a while, anyway. Viva la blogging!

Secondly, it has been requested that a GNO be put into motion for tomorrow (Thursday) night to see Bride Wars.

It is playing at Fairchild at 9:20. If you want to go and want a ride, let me know. I am giving at least one day's notice so I wanna see more butts in the seats! It will be super fun, I can't wait. Anybody who's anybody will be there. ;)

Thirdly, my husband is a serious contender for Husband of the Year 2009. (And it's only two weeks in.) Check in later to find out why.

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