Friday, January 2, 2009

Just A Small Rhyme For 2009

Every year I do a poem about my New Year's Resolutions. (See here and here.) I can't break tradition, so here it is.

This year I will finish my book
and people will give it a look
"It's genius!" they'll say
and they'll read it and lay
all curled up in their library nook.

It's sure to become a best seller
bigger than even Old Yeller
I'm destined to be
the next Stephenie
(she'll feel bad, so please, no one tell her)

Then Paramount's certain to call
They'll want a release date next fall
They'll want me to star
(I'm the best choice, by far)
Soon I'll sign autographs at the mall

The critics will give rave reviews
It will say it all over the news:
This new actress we hear,
is soon to fill Kate Winslet's shoes

And then on that star-studded night
I will walk the red carpet with fright
Then they'll call out my name
and without any shame
I'll accept my award with delight

It looks like I'm gonna have a busy year. I'll send you a postcard. You know, from Hollywood.

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