Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The world at your fingertips. Never have there been truer words. We live in an amazing time, when there is nothing we can't find out by tapping a few keys. For someone like me, who wants what I want NOW, Google is the greatest invention known to man. I can't even describe how empowering it feels to know that there is no question raised that I can't find the answer to in a matter of seconds. Google seriously has to top my list of things I can't live without. Besides the wealth of information, I love how their logo changes with whatever season or event is going on.

Here is a list of just some of the millions of things I've Googled:

> swollen uvula
> eyelash pulling
> Juno movie quotes
> definition of the word "macabre"
> Weight Watcher points for IHOP
> symptoms of a brain tumor
> pictures of Robert Pattinson's hair
> symptoms of TMJ
> Sharing Time ideas
> answer to hotel riddle
> filming dates for Twilight
> tour dates for Phantom of the Opera
> lyrics to a Britney Spears song
> hotels in Forks
> synonym for the word "intense"
> causes of headaches
> how to reattach a severed limb
(okay, that last one was a joke)

To name a few. What have you Googled?

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