Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Yup...still love me some Twilight

I haven't done a Twilight post in a long time, and I have the perfect reason to do one now. Connie emailed me about the coolest experience she had this weekend getting her Twilight DVD signed. You have to go check out her story and accompanying pictures on her blog. I am ridiculously jealous of her, but so happy that a fellow Twi-hard had such a cool thing happen to her!

I bought the Twilight movie Director's Notebook yesterday, and read it...yesterday. (It's mostly pictures, so this isn't really as crazy as it sounds.) It was fascinating to me, reading about all the behind-the-scenes stuff and learning little trivia bits about the movie. One disturbing one, though, was that the director gave Rob (Edward) a bunch of lines to choose from for the part where he scaled the tree with Bella on his back and he chose the spider monkey line. Seriously, how craptastic did the other choices have to be for him to opt for that one?! That pedestal he was standing on sunk down into the mud several inches when I learned that.

And to complete my Twilight post, here is a New Moon (Twilight sequel) movie poster for your viewing pleasure. I say "a" and not "the" because I'm 99.9% sure it's a fake. But still, isn't it lovely?

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