Monday, March 30, 2009

Say It Ain't So

Twilight Board Game

Why was it so much cooler to love Twilight before it became...everywhere? I used to get such a thrill when I would be somewhere in public and overhear someone talking about the books. I would want to run over and hug the person and say that I was part of the club, too. But ever since the movie came out, everyone is part of the club. Now it's like, "Oh, yeah, Twilight."

I was walking through Walmart the other night, the first time in a very long time oddly enough, and I was browsing the accessories section as I always do, when I stumbled across an entire section of Twilight memorabilia. T-shirts, bags, dog tags, bracelets, key chains, you name it. And I would have thought it was really exciting and bought something...if it wasn't at Walmart. Instead I walked away, shaking my head disgustedly (but still secretly wanting the bag with the Cullen crest on it).

It's been cheapened for me. Walmart? Really? Twilight just became the new High School Musical. Pretty soon tween girls will be toting Twilight lunch boxes to school in their Twilight backpacks.

Can't we just go back to the days when only the cool people knew about Twilight? And by "cool people" I mean me and Stephenie Meyer.

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