Tuesday, March 31, 2009


(Marisa...this one's for you)

I've been out of the loop for so long that I have completely fallen behind on the happenings of my favorite celebrities. Here is some of the stuff I missed while I was away:

Jen and John broke up!!!

My question is....why would she not want to be with him?!

It's a mystery.

Paris is dating this guy now, instead of Benji Madden

I would learn his name, but...let's be real. What's the point?

Nicole Richie is expecting again!

Apparently she likes to try on all prospective baby clothes.

Mandy Moore got married!

I don't have anything funny to say about this, I just had no idea.

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart are engaged!

After seven years of dating, they felt it was time to really commit to each other.
And by the looks of this picture, it's probably a good idea.
The clocks a'tickin.

But it was comforting to see one familiar thing:

Katie and Suri

The bangs actually cover half her face now, and she's still wearing an oversized, polka-dot dress. And Katie still hasn't discovered that three year olds can walk.

Ah......some things never change.

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