Thursday, March 5, 2009

Newfound Loves

Red Robin's Whiskey River BBQ Chicken Wrap

This wrap changed my life. I have never craved something so badly. If you haven't tried it, you haven't experienced true bliss.

Word Girl

My kids recently started watching this show on PBS. I. Love. It. It is hilarious. It is the only show of theirs that I will sit and watch. And laugh. The fact that her sidekick is a monkey named Captain Huggy Face makes it worth watching in and of itself. Word up!


Yeah, I'm aware that you're laughing at me because you all discovered the wonder that is gmail like, two years ago, but I was never willing to give up my movie_queen15 with MSN. However, the good people at CFI (that's code for where I work) so nicely suggested I make the switch and basically get with the 21st century. I did, and it is bombdotcom. Before you get all hurt and offended that you don't have my new gmail address, know that I am only using it for work as of now, because I am lazy and still not ready to make the switcheroo, because, frankly, I think it will be a major pain in the you know what.

My new wedges from Target

Oh my gosh. There aren't words to describe how much I love these. (Seriously, there aren't. I checked.) My white church sandals for the last three seasons are falling apart and hideous to my eyes. So I HAD to buy these, it was a necessity. White season is just around the corner and now I am ready. And the best part about these shoes? They keep my toes together for me.

Isn't finding new stuff to love so fun?

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