Monday, March 2, 2009

No Rest For The Weary

(No, this isn't me, obviously, but it easily could be.)

What. A. Week.

I'm so glad it's over.

My fingers are raw from typing, my eyes bugged out from staring at a computer screen all day, every day.

I am emotionally and physically exhausted, and ready for a break.

I'm glad that now that I'm done with my deadline and have one month of this job under my belt, that I now know exactly how NOT to do this job. Procrastination = very bad things.

Today I will be spending my time deciding whether to catch up on some much needed sleep (I hit my deadline at 3:30 this morning), do some much needed house cleaning, or treat myself to some much needed do-whatever-I-want time.

I'll probably sleep.

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