Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Eagle Eye

Since my genius idea of doing two separate reviews for each movie resulted in my first-ever ZERO COMMENTS on a post, I'm back to doing one. This review will have no major spoilers.
Please, feel free to read. And comment.

Let it be known that Eagle Eye is a guy flick in every sense of the term. And this chick liked it. It helped that I went into it expecting nothing more than a brainless, big-budget action movie with lots (and lots) of car chases, people running for their lives, and things being blown up. Don't get me wrong--it was all of those things, minus the mindless part. I was not prepared to have to think during this movie, but think I did.

So Jerry Shaw (Shia LaBeouf) is a highly unmotivated nobody mourning the sudden loss of his twin brother when he receives a phone call from some random female voice spouting out commands that he neither understands nor wants to listen to. He quickly learns that if he doesn't obey the monotonous voice, bad things will happen.

Rachel Holloman (Michelle Monaghan) is a single mother who receives a similar phone call from the same voice after shipping her son off to a band performance for the weekend. Once she is informed her son's life depends on her cooperation, she's running around like a mad woman, doing whatever the voice tells her to do. Soon she and Jerry are thrown together in a run for their lives.

The movie hooked me right at the beginning by first painting an intriguing picture of Jerry's depressing life before launching into the game of cat and mouse. I was quickly theorizing about Jerry and his brother and government conspiracies and musical instruments and terrorism. Shia LaBeouf is always a joy, although I can only focus on his bottom lip whenever he talks--why is it always covered in saliva? Michelle Monaghan is cute and does an adequate job of running around terrified, but _____________ could have done it just as well. (Fill in the blank with the name of any current actress.)

My only complaint was the use of the "sh" word. (Why do I always feel 10 years old when I call it that?) Good heck, it had to be some kind of record. Now, I have to admit that if a giant metal beam was coming at me, ready to decapitate me, I might drop an "sh" bomb myself. I guess it was probably realistic that in a constant adrenaline-pumping fight for life, they felt the need to swear a few times. But it doesn't mean I wanted to hear it. Again. And again. And again.

Okay, that was a lie. I did have one more complaint. I thought the end was a little hokey. I can't tell you why, though, because that would be a spoiler, and I wouldn't want to give anyone cause to NOT comment on this review. But I can tell you that my husband didn't think it was hokey; in fact, he loved just about every aspect of this movie, and since he is exactly the demographic they were shooting for, I guess that's what matters.

So make your husband happy--take him to see this, he'll love you forever. And you might not hate it yourself. But you don't have to tell him that.

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