Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Come Out, Come Out Whoever You Are

So, you all didn't really think I'd let you off the hook that easy, did you? This game was never intended to keep you all anonymous. The idea was that you were anonymous just long enough for me to guess who you were, and then if I guessed right, great, if not, you told me who you were! The way I see it, you always knew there was a chance you would have to reveal your secret identity if random.org chose your comment. (After all, I can't send you cards if I don't know who you are! ) So you had to be at least a little willing to say who you were. Come on, are you seriously going to drive me to madness by never finding out who some of you are? And it will...it will drive me insane.

So not all of you have to step forward. I know most of you. Here are the ones I would LOVE to be filled in on:


There were a couple more that I guessed on that I still don't know if I was right, but like I said, unless you tell me otherwise I'll just assume I was.

So to the above four mystery people, I'd love to know who you are! If you are absolutely opposed to coming forward on my blog, feel free to email me. (Email addy on the sidebar) Come on, help a girl out.

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