Thursday, August 14, 2008

Turn This Frown Upside Down

What is it about coming home from vacation that always makes me depressed? Even a two day vacation. I don't know if it's the letdown after weeks of having something to look forward to, or coming down from the high of the trip, or just coming back to the reality of life, but these last two days have been HARD! This summer has been hard enough, but seriously, this week, Eeyore's got nothin' on me. I can't find the motivation to do anything, and I just feel like I'm walking around with a raincloud permanently residing over my head. My kids are probably wishing I was still gone and they could play with Daddy all day. Ugh. I've got to pull out of this. It doesn't help that I can't stop my head from pounding. I know it will get better, soon. It just sucks in the meantime. One thing that is making me smile? You'll find out tomorrow.

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