Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm Feeling A Little Verklempt

(image taken from Noelle's blog)

So I just want to say thank you to everyone who commented on my last post. Seriously, it meant the world to me and really helped me get out of my funk. I am so grateful for all the wonderful, uplifting words and all the kind things that were said about me. Everyone needs to hear that stuff once in a while, and I was due! I especially want to thank those who stepped forward for the first time. (Marisa!! My mouth fell open when I saw your name, I was so happy to see you!) I am always shocked to hear about people who read my blog that I had no idea about, and always thrilled when I do. And to any that I still don't know about, read away! Don't feel bad about not commenting, I don't care.

Although all the positive comments completely made my day, I realized what I needed most was just to know that people were still there, reading. That I wasn't all alone in cyberspace. This definitely showed me that even if people aren't commenting, that doesn't mean they're not reading. I don't want anyone to feel like they have to comment on my blog now or I'll go all Debbie Downer on them again. I promise I won't. Just knowing you're there is enough. (Of course, if you have something to say, by all means, comment!) Thank you!!

So this is a pretty sappy post, I realize. But it's about to get sappier. You know when you have those days (or weeks) where you're just down and someone seems to know exactly what you need? That happened to me yesterday, when one of my very best friends called and said, "Let's go do something tonight." The prospect of getting out (away from my house and kids) and hanging with girlfriends was almost too much and I seriously almost started crying. We ended up seeing The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (review to come soon) with two other of my bestest friends, and (this is so unlike me) I couldn't help getting a little emotional as we sat all alone in the theater, just the four of us, watching a total chick flick about a pair of magic pants that keeps four best friends together. I highly recommend watching this particular movie this way. So thank you, dear friend, (did I just say that?) for knowing exactly what I needed last night.

Alright, putting the tissue away.

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