Saturday, August 15, 2009

Memories, Mayhem, and A Whole Lotta Mathews

It's official. I am exhausted. My head hurts, my back is sunburned, I can barely keep my eyes open...all the signs of one awesome family reunion. The last three days are somewhat of a blur. We just went, and went, and went. It was so fun to see and talk to family I rarely get to see and do fun stuff with my kids that they've never done before. And best of Mathews Plague!! A success, in my book.

Here are some highlights (and lowlights) from our fabulous reunion:

* Our family's Amazing Race team won, thanks to Bill's quick thinking and apparent extensive knowledge of the Tri-Cities. They got to take home the coveted award, aka a scary looking mask that was spray-painted gold.

* I learned to knit! Just what I needed: Another addiction.

* Got aaaaaall caught up on my gossip and found out fascinating things about the people I went to high school with (aka ex-boyfriends).

* Macy learned to kayak.

* Payson's paper rocket shot the farthest off the air tube.

* After hovering next to it for an hour, Macy won the auction item she wanted so desperately...the one I donated (???), only to crush her poor cousin who also wanted it. It's okay, Macy said she was going to write her a letter saying she was sorry.

* Bill and Abby took an unintentional detour during the Fun Run after missing the turnaround point. We were about ready to send out a search party for them when they came jogging toward the finish line, at least 45 minutes later. They are still arguing over whose fault it was.

* Our roll-making class by Staci came to an abrupt hault when her daughter broke her wrist (badly) surfing down a hill on a piece of cardboard. A whole lot of drama and chaos ensued as they rushed her to the emergency room. She had surgery today, and a plate put in, as I hear it. Needless to say, we were all a little nervous for the ice block sliding that came shortly later, but it was incident free. Keep little Julia in your prayers!

* We watched Madagascar 2 outside on a projector screen, bundled up in blankets, with popcorn and candy from our very own concession stand. SO FUN.

It was a wonderful, wonderful weekend (minus the broken bone), and we made memories we will always have. A ginormous thanks to Marilyn for all the work she put into it. I didn't take a single picture, because my sister took enough pictures for the greater Northwest. It wasn't until today that I learned we'd have to pay $10 to get copies. Good thing I got connections.

Now I can get back to life, and...ya know...blogging and stuff.

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