Sunday, August 23, 2009

Did You Know...

I am currently reading Twilight for the fourth time. I think. I've sort of lost track.

Did you know that in Chapter 13, the one entitled Confessions, she uses the phrase "his golden eyes" three times? No, it gets better.

The phrase "my eyes" is used eleven times.
"Your eyes" is used twice.
The word "eyes" all by itself is used three times.
And...wait for it...the phrase "his eyes" is used a total of twenty times. In one chapter.

There is also...

"our eyes," "his eye," "his glorious, agonized eyes," "his lovely eyes," "his eyelid," and "his eyebrows." I'm not kidding.

This makes for a total of forty-five "eyes," or some form of the word.


Every night Bill and I watch episodes of Friends on DVD. We just finished Season 3.

Did you know my favorite Friends episode of all time is The One With the Morning After, when Ross and Rachel break up? Weird, I know, but I could watch it over and over. It's so real, so emotional. I loff it. I loff it ah lott.


Did you know that I am quite possibly the last person on the planet who isn't on Facebook and doesn't Twitter? It is a little bit agonizing for me to not be a part of something that seems to be taking over the world, but I am holding strong, waiting for the craze to die down, the fad to pass, and pushing on with my little old blog in a one-woman effort to keep blogging alive. (I realize I am not the only one still blogging, but I might be the only one who cries if it ever dies out.)


I have an embarrassing weakness for Jack in the Box's Oreo milkshakes.

Did you know that a large has 1169 calories? It depresses me to think about, but you know what makes it all better? A large Oreo milkshake from Jack in the Box.

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