Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Journey Continues

A year ago I added that scale to my sidebar.
So you could all track my weight loss and celebrate
with me as I shrunk down to the person I wanted to be.
I lost just over twenty pounds.
I'm sure you've noticed the scale hasn't changed in a while.
Like, half a year.
But the good news is,
I'm still there.
I haven't gained it back.
(Well, maybe like 3 lbs, but who's counting?)
But I'm not done.
I have not met my goal,
and I still can't wear skinny jeans.

my sister and I are starting our very own weight loss group.
(See details here.)
EVERYONE is invited.
This means you.
All it is is a group of people who have one thing in common:
They want to lose weight.
We will meet weekly,
motivate each other,
give tips, advice, praise,
weigh in in private if we so choose
(this is the only thing that works for me)
but best of all,
we will lose weight.
It's free.
It works.
I've done it.
You can too.

Hope to see you there!!

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