Saturday, February 21, 2009

Precious Moments

Me: "Payson, where's Jasper?"
Payson: "Playing in his sandbox." (Jasper was going to the bathroom.)

Payson, when Bill turned on The Biggest Loser: "Woah. Those people are fat."
Don't worry, we had a little talk after that one.

Macy, seeing a picture of Angelina Jolie in her Oscar gown online: "Hey! That looks like me!" Dream on, sista. Dream on.

This was the conversation that took place in my car on the way to school this morning:

Kenzie: "Sometimes our neighbor's dog digs up dinosaur bones. Seriously, he's done it before."
Macy: "Wow."
Kenzie: "I just don't know when we're going to get a new house. We're looking like crazy, but we just haven't found one yet."
Macy: "Well, you can just tell the builders to build you a new one."
Kenzie: "Well, I already found one that I love, but..."
Macy: "It's not on sale?"
Kenzie: "Yeah. I told my mom I want the one with the hideout."

I've never been so entertained on the way to school.

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