Monday, February 2, 2009

Like A Bad After School Special

(I Googled a picture of Jessie and couldn't believe it when
I saw this, from the actual scene I am referring to. But
they did spell her name wrong.)

Do you remember that episode of Saved By The Bell where Jessie experiments with drugs? (And by experiments with drugs I mean took a couple of energy pills to stay awake) And Zack finally confronts her in her bedroom and she gets all manic and starts yelling "NO TIME!! THERE'S NEVER ANY TIME!! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO EAT, I DON'T HAVE TIME TO SLEEP..." and then she starts singing "I'm So Excited"? Remember that? No? Just me? Huh. Weird.

Anywho, I can really relate to poor Jessie right now. Not with the whole drug experimenting, but with the lack of time. This is how I feel. It has become my number one issue in life right now. (Because there is always one.) I swear the days are getting shorter, just to spite me. So short, in fact, that I don't even have time to blog. Yeah, I just said that.

This is so not cool. When there's no time for blogging, you know something's wrong in the world. I mean, we never have enough time to clean the house, or make dinner, or play with our kids, but blogging? I always make time for blogging.

So what, you ask, has me so busy? This, I answer:


Yeah, I have no idea what keeps me so busy. I go go go all day and at the end of the day I have no idea what to tell my husband that I got done that day. It's enough to make me want to cry. But I don't, because apparently that gene does not get passed along in my family.

The saddest thing is, I haven't even started my new job yet. If I had started, I could say, "Oh, I'm so busy working." But no. I'm busy just doing...stuff.

I wonder if Jessie will loan me some of her "energy pills."

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