Thursday, February 19, 2009

Follow Ups

So my husband wanted me to make sure you all knew that he doesn't tell such lame jokes. Here's what happened: One night Bill was messing around with my camera, taking a bunch of pictures of Jasper, trying to get one of him yawning. Instead he got the one you saw, just coming out of a yawn. We were laughing so hard because it looked like he was grinning like an idiot. So we thought it would be funny to make it look like he was laughing at a joke about dogs being stupid. Apparently it wasn't as funny as Bill and I thought it was, although a few of you seemed to appreciate it. Anyway, for the record, my husband tells funny jokes, not dumb ones. (Although he usually brings his jokes home from work that I could never repeat on my blog.)

On a completely unrelated topic, I realized I have never done a follow up of my Writer's Block post. (I know, I know, how have you been sleeping at night?) I was expecting a bunch of silly ideas, but what I got was a bunch of really great advice. Thank you to all who gave it. It meant a lot. Some of you (or maybe none of you) may be interested to know that I am continuing on with my original story, although I am re-writing it so that I don't hate it. I can't let go of this idea, because I think it's pretty good. Hopefully soon I'll feel confident enough to share some of it with you. Special thanks to Cousin Jen, who apparently has made it her goal in life to help me and make my life easier and more wonderful.

Oh, and because all the advice was super good and there were no ridiculous plot suggestions, I won't be picking a favorite. Although Honorable Mention must go to Karen for her "werewolves" comment and Amy for her "soap poisoning." Made me laugh!

So thank you, again, for all your great advice and ideas. The writer's block has been removed and I am plugging away, yet again.

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