Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Say What?

Conversation at our house night before last:

Payson: "How do babies get in tummies?"


Bill: "Uhhhh......."

Macy: "Yeah, how do they?"

Me: "Ummmm.....remember we told you Heavenly Father puts the babies in the mommies' tummies?"

Payson: "But, do you just ask Him?"

Bill, under his breath to me:
"Yeah, or you're just reckless."

Macy: "Yeah, do you just pray? Or do you say out loud 'I wanna baby?' "

Bill, laughing: "See, there's this 'special hug'...."

Me, intercepting: "There's something special that mommies and daddies have to do when they're ready, that we'll tell you about when you're a little bit older."

Macy: "Like when I'm ten? Cause I'm ten in two years."

Me: "Sure, when you're ten." Or twenty, whatever.

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