Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Today has been a wee bit of a struggle for me. Just a wee bit, mind you, but after the months of this unexplained, unprecedented contentment I have been experiencing, it's throwing me for a loop. Is this really what my life was like every day? No, it was worse.

Today my old friends--self-doubt and inadequacy--crept inside my brain in their oh-so-subtle way to wreak havoc on my general well-being. The good news is, my new friends--confidence and self-assurance--were still there in the background, cheering me on and telling me I can kick my new friends out the door any time I want.

Nothing horrible has happened to me, life just got busy and I can't seem to keep up, a feeling I don't particularly do well with. Also, some other minor speed bumps here and there have me questioning, once again, myself as a mother and as a person. Blech. I have not missed this at all.

And then I read this. I only started reading her blog a few months ago, but it never--NEVER--fails to inspire me. I love her honesty. I love that she doesn't hide the fact that she is struggling from the world. I love how hard she tries to remind herself of the blessings she does have, even while she's suffering from pain that I can't even imagine.


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