Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Make a Wish

So, I'm not one to make a big deal about my birthday.

Ha! I couldn't even type that with a straight face. When it comes to birthdays, I am like a five year old kid. I get giddy, I think the entire day should be about me, and I look for little birthday surprises around every corner. I blame my mom. This is what birthdays were when I was growing up, and my 30 year old body doesn't know any different. And I love that.

I have three wishes for my birthday this year, and I don't think that's asking too much. None of them cost money and these three simple things would guarantee me a fantabulous birthday. Two of these you have no control over, but one of them you do.

My first wish is the same thing I wish for every year, and I always get it: A beautiful, warm, sunny spring day. However, this is the first year I've talked about it before my birthday instead of on it, so knowing me I probably just completely jinxed myself.

My second wish would not normally be something I would even think about on my birthday but due to events that occurred on my previous birthday it has made the list. I wish for a puke-free birthday. No sickies whatsoever, but specifically no vomit. That would make for one stellar birthday in my opinion.

And finally, my third wish. This is for you to grant. Yes, you. I decided that for my birthday I would love, let me repeat, LOVE to get as many comments as I possibly can. This means:

a) A comment from those of you that I know are reading and have never commented (and I know you are because many of you have told me). Let me know you're here!!

b) A comment from all of my faithful commenters, and.....

c) As many comments as you feel so inclined to leave me. The more the merrier.

It doesn't matter what you say, just comment, and please, don't be anonymous, because I want to know who you are.

And that's it. That's how you can make 1/3 of this girl's birthday wishes come true. It's all in your hands. On Friday, May 15th, I will do some kind of post and that is the day I would love the comments. (Not this post, although of course I always love comments.)

Aren't birthdays the best?!

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