Thursday, December 18, 2008

'Snow Wonder I'm Losing My Mind

On the one hand....

The world is covered in beautiful white snow and I love it.

On the other hand...

So is my carpet...and I'm not loving that so much.

On the one hand...

School delays have been giving me two extra hours of sleep all week.

On the other hand...

Payson and I have had a little too much quality time together with preschool being canceled.

On the one hand...

I don't have to worry about getting him out the door or picking him up or finishing his homework or taking snacks.

On the other hand...

Our XBox may break down from over-heating.

On the one hand...

My kids actually want to play outside. (This is unheard of.)

On the other hand...

Every five minutes my glorious solitude is interrupted with knocks on the sliding door (a sound that now makes my blood boil) accompanied by a child on the other side whining that so-and-so threw a snowball at them.

On the one hand...

I love having the excuse to stay indoors all day and be lazy and not go out into the cold.

On the other hand...

Those Christmas presents aren't buying themselves.

On the one hand...

Is a cute little mitten.

On the other hand...

Is a cute little mitten holding a snowball, and a little tongue licking away at it.

I guess that makes it all worth it.

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