Monday, December 29, 2008

Aw Crap

I woke up this morning and instantly had this feeling of dread, and I couldn't for the life of me figure it out. As I lay there waking up, my mind cleared and suddenly the reason was painfully clear: It's that day. The day that comes every year for me. (Want proof? Click here and here.)

Today, for me, is what the actual day after Christmas was to most people. Horribly depressing. But the day after Christmas wasn't depressing for me, because my husband was still home and the vacation was still going.

But today, Monday, he is back at work after being home the last 4 and a half days. Christmas is over, and I'm trying to remember what I did throughout my day before making Christmas cards, going Christmas shopping, and wrapping Christmas presents. I honestly can't remember.

And, by some cruel twist of fate, all the snow is melting's actually raining. I seriously feel like someone somewhere is laughing at me.

The last of the Christmas treats are gone or stale and today starts the beginning of discipline again, as far as my diet goes. How's that for depressing?

My kids are watching The Grinch and it couldn't be a more perfect choice for today. I feel exactly like the heartless green creature.

So, Happy Rainy Monday After Christmas to you all. Oh, and Shayla, this really was supposed to be a fantastic birthday post to you, but, well, apparently I'm not capable of cheer and niceness right now, so...Happy Birthday! That's about all I can do for you right now. :)

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