Thursday, December 25, 2008

To The One I Love

We met inside a chat room
Eight short years ago
What each other looked like
We really didn't know

But something in that "jusa_guy"
made "blondegirl" fall in love
We always knew it had to be
some help from up above

Lots of people doubted
that it would ever work
8 years passed and 2 kids came
and we can only smirk

I never could have chosen
a better husband/friend
I can't believe I get to be
with this guy til the end
(and beyond)

He makes me laugh like no one else
and knows just what to say
When I cry about my issues
or have an awful day

Only Bill could sacrifice
his big day every year
by standing in the shadow
of One we hold so dear

But I'll always remember
that on this special day
you were also born, and so,
for that, I say "Hooray!"


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