Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Teaser Tuesday

I just searched back through my blog to see what I last "teased" and was shocked to see I haven't done a teaser since AUGUST!! What the crap?! That's crazy! But then I starting thinking about it, and realized it shouldn't have shocked me because a) up until recently I hadn't been writing at all since August and b) I was barely even blogging there for a while. But still...I say I'm long overdue for a teaser, don't you? Here ya go.

We stood, facing each other, staring into eyes that were barely perceptible in the dark. No less than a million thoughts and questions flooded my mind, and I had not one thing to say. The shock of his revelation had stopped the flow of tears, but I did not move to wipe the residual moisture from my cheeks. I couldn’t even feel that they were wet anymore.

Finally I shook my head. “I don’t understand. Why? Why are you doing this?"

© A. Leppert

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