You knew it had to be coming, right? My annual Post-Christmas Blues post? It is January, after all. Every year around Christmas I think, "I'm feeling great. I really think I might avoid the blues this year. Why would it suddenly change just because Christmas is over?" Oh, but give it a week or two. It'll come. It always does.
It was just a few days ago that I realized The Blues were in full force. I stopped to assess my life and, sure enough, the evidence was undeniable.
-Pity and self-loathing over failed resolutions? Check.
-Feeling akin to a deflated balloon after the hype of Christmas came to an end? Check.
-Desire to sleep and play pointless games on my phone overpower any desire to do an actual hobby? Check.
-Making myself feel better for failing my diet by eating chocolate? Check.
-Trying to remember how two weeks ago I was caught up in the Christmas Spirit? Check.
See, it's all there, written all over my makeup-free face. I refuse to admit how many days this week I have not gotten dressed at all. Of course, I've been using my head cold as justification for that, but only I know that really it's because getting dressed is something that happy people do.
The only thing brightening my day today is the hope that maybe you'll find this post entertaining. For past January Blues posts, see my archives. They're all in January. Go figure.
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