Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Is Christmas Here Yet?

I don't like it when life leaves me no time to blog. It means it's way too crazy busy. You know it's bad if you have to wake up at 5:30 am to have time to sit on the computer.

Now that I average one or two blog posts a month, I feel like I need to really put some thought into what I blog and make it a good one, since I don't know when the next one might happen. I had a great post brewing in my head the last few weeks about the 12 Days of Christmas (or at least, my version of it), but that didn't happen. I was going to take a picture of my Charlie Brown Christmas tree that my wonderful sister Amy bought me that has become my absolute favorite Christmas decoration, but that didn't happen. I was going to do a very deep, pensive piece on my thoughts about Christmas, but that didn't happen. I was going to do another Christmas Wish List post like I did last year, but that didn't happen either.

So instead I'll brief you on the happenings of the last few weeks:

  • lots of Christmas shopping
  • worked on Christmas cards
  • watched the "Holiday Program" at kids' school
  • had a fun progressive dinner with my parents and siblings and their families
  • hole in my garage door
  • worked on Christmas cards
  • got released as Primary Secretary (sniff), new calling TBA
  • Christmas shopping
  • big annual Mathews Family Christmas Dinner
  • got early Christmas present in Yakima
  • read my own words on a book in Barnes & Noble
  • helped at school class parties
  • more cards
  • more shopping
  • saw New Moon two more times
  • finished and mailed cards (yippee!)
What is not on the list? Wrapping presents. I have yet to wrap a single one. Now you know what I'll be doing all day today.

T minus 2 days and counting!

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