Friday, January 22, 2010

Weighing In On Hot Topics

American Idol Judges


I thought she annoyed me last season.
Then this season started.
Suddenly the pursed lips, fake sexy lisp, and theatrical movements are almost physically painful for me to watch.

I never thought I'd miss Paula.


Love him. As always.
He is the only real thing about the show. Which is why next season will completely suck. I don't know if I'll be able to watch it.


Can't. Wait.


My heart aches for this country. I can't wrap my brain around the extent of the devastation, the number of deaths, the pain and the suffering, the nightmare these people are living that they can't get out of. I wish there was more I could do to help. But since I can't fly over there and offer my services, I'm so grateful for people that can, and did, like my cousin Matt. Read about what he's doing here.

The NBC Fiasco

If I had a giant hammer, and a couple hundred dollars to throw around, and security access to NBC Headquarters, I'd fly to New York and hit CEO Jeff Zucker upside the head. I seriously CANNOT imagine what the idiots at NBC think they are doing, but I'm guessing their last meeting before this crap started went something like this:

Idiot #1: "Leno's ratings are down. Apparently he's not funny at 10:00, only at 11:30."
Idiot #2: "Well then we must get him back to 11:30."
Idiot #1: "I love it! Even though the viewers think Conan is substantially funnier than Leno and The Tonight Show is better than ever, I see this is the answer to everything. Oust the funny, popular host for the boring, has-been host. Genius idea, pure genius."
Idiot #2: "That's what they pay me the big bucks for."

I cannot believe tonight is Conan's last show. I am boycotting The Tonight Show from there on out. I would boycott NBC if it weren't for The Office and 30 Rock.

Conan, I will follow you wherever you go.


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