Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This Week In Hollywood: Ripped From The Headlines

In celebration of my header being back, I thought I'd do a little TWIH.

Kate Gosselin Admits She Had a Meltdown This Weekend

Whew. I was getting nervous. It had been a whole five minutes
since we last heard how Kate was feeling.

Pink Begins Tour In Seattle

And wins the award for The Best Use of Masking Tape Since Making Scary Faces in the Mirror.

Michelle Obama Makes People's Top Ten Best Dressed List

Coldwater Creek employees everywhere are celebrating the exciting news.

George Clooney Prefers Prostate Exams over Facebook

Just one more thing we have in common, George.

Christina Applegate Misses Her Old Breasts

I hear ya, Christina. I miss my old ones, too.

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