Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Next American Idol

I have to pause the Disneyland posting for a moment to blog about this. Adam Lambert. He hadn't done much for me this season except for that I thought he was hot (under all that makeup). But each week he caught my attention more and more with his musical talent, his versatility, and his flawless performances.

But last week he cemented my suspicion that he will win this season. There is no doubt in my mind. His performance last Tuesday was nothing short of amazing and I haven't stopped thinking about it. I bought the song on iTunes and it is hands down my new favorite song. It's haunting, it's mesmerizing, it's chilling. Listen here. (I tried to get his live performance, but due to copyright laws, it was nigh impossible. This version is better anyway--the whole song.) What say you?

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