Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just Kill Me Now

Seriously?! Because I don't have enough things to worry about? No, really, this is great because I had just been thinking how great life was and that I really hadn't had any anxiety issues in a while. I was totally in need of something new to keep me up at night, so this is perfect.

What's awesome is that when I started hearing about it, I wrote it off as another "pandemic alarm," you know, like the devastating avian flu and West Nile virus that wiped us all out a few years ago. I rolled my eyes and went about my day. Then as I was running errands, I saw not one, but two separate people in two different places wearing masks. I won't deny, the anxiety kicked in a bit, but I made myself feel better by laughing at them inside my head and judging them for their obvious paranoia.

But, just to be safe, I decided to come home and actually learn about this alleged pig flu. You know, not because I was genuinely worried or anything, but because I don't want to be ignorant. I like to be on the up and up of current affairs.

Yeah, so it turns out that people are like, dying and stuff. And the virus is like, spreading, at an alarming rate. And, the alarm level is at a five now, which I guess is like, high. So....yeah. I'm a wreck. All I hear is "swine flu" and the heart palpitations and accelerated breathing kick in. I tell myself it will all blow over, just like the other ones, but it's so hard when every time I get online (which, let's be honest, is about every half hour) there's a new update on how "the death toll is rising" and "the vaccines are months away" and "it's spreading like wildfire" and "there are now suspected cases in Seattle." Awesome.

Even better, my husband seems to think this is the real deal, and has reminded me more than once that "it's going to get a lot worse."

Cool. In the meantime, you can find me locked in my bedroom, curled in the fetal position, doing breathing exercises. Let me know when it's over.

*Update: I just heard there have been six cases reported in WA state, one in Spokane. It begins.

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