Sunday, March 16, 2008

This Week in Hollywood...

Angelina Rumored to be Carrying Twins

Yeah, because single baby bumps are so 2007.
No way would Angelina be less chic than J.Lo.

The title of this picture read:
"Minnie Driver Discusses Baby Name Dilemma."

For one brief moment I sat in disgust, thinking, "When are these celebrities going to
stop with the ridiculous baby names? Seriously, who would name their baby Dilemma?"

Mary Kate Olsen. She's a billionare.

Why does she insist on looking like she hired her stylist from
the local homeless shelter?

Paris Hilton says she and Benji Madden are the "real deal."

She continued by saying, "Really, I mean it, he's the one. I really think
we could make it, like, a whole year."

Steve-o (of the show Jack@$$) laments to friends that he's
now paying the consequences of his years of self-destructive behavior.

Gosh, it's just too bad no one told him that drugs were bad for him.
Had he known this, I'm sure he would never have touched them, right?

Tune in next weekend to see what those crazy
celebrities are up to!

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