Friday, March 21, 2008


Brad and Angelina donate $8 mil to charity

"Well," they said, "we wanted to do something meaningful
with our tax return."

Paris visits South Africa with boyfriend Benji Madden

She handed out autographed pictures of herself in a bikini.
No seriously. I'm not kidding.

Mary Kate has lunch with new mom Nicole Richie

Nicole was reported to have devoured her entire meal while
Mary Kate looked on. Traitor.

Pamela Anderson gets an annulment

She and Rick Salomon had gotten married just two months earlier
in Vegas during a 90 min. break between magic shows in which
Pamela was appearing. Gosh, if these two can't make it, what hope
do the rest of us have?

Vanessa Hudgens

Apparently the umbrella store was out of size "large."

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