Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Good Friday...and Saturday...and Sunday

The Egg Hunt at Aunt Phyllis's

Yeah, that's my brother on a tiny motorized car.

Can't go to Aunt Phyllis's without throwing rocks into the river.

And you definitely can't go to Aunt Phyllis's without sliding down her hill
on pieces of cardboard.
(I just realized none of my kids are in this picture, but, whatever.)

Payson decided the cardboard was an unnecessary inconvenience.

Dying eggs Saturday night

(I had to put this in here. I was so darned proud of my rainbow egg.)

Token Easter Sunday shot.

*Note to self: No more buying new Easter sandals and being all thrifty by
putting them in kids' Easter baskets...MUST TRY SANDALS ON BEFORE SUNDAY
(They both had to squish into last year's sandals. And yes, Payson is fully aware
of the impending flood.)

After church we went to my parents for dinner and the annual Grandkids' Egg Hunt.
I don't have any pictures of this, though, because I did the video camera. I doubt
any pictures would have turned out anyway, due to the black sky and turbulent winds.

What a great weekend.

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