What a crazy last two weeks I've had. Besides the aforementioned drama regarding Eclipse tickets, which was an emotional ride all on its own, I have:
*Been working every day at my dad's shop, filling in for his secretary who is on medical leave for a month. I haven't worked out of the home in over seven years and it definitely takes some getting used to. Fortunately, I enjoy it. I love having something that forces me to shower and get ready every morning and have makeup and fixed hair the entire rest of the day. I love feeling like I've accomplished things before lunch and helped out my dad. I love feeling important and obviously, making money while I do it. And since I've done this job in the past, it was easy to jump right in, especially with my dad and brother as bosses. You can't beat that. Oh, unless you add going to lunch with your hubby every day because he works there too. Which, I do!
*Celebrated my baby girl's 9th birthday. It hardly seems possible. How in the world am I old enough to have a 9 year old??!! I totally remember turning 9, and it doesn't seem that long ago. For her birthday, Macy chose to have donuts brought to school, which I did at lunchtime, and sat and ate with her class, which was awesome. Then she chose to go to Red Robin for dinner to have her favorite spaghetti, but was adamant that they NOT sing to her. Afterward we took her to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid (her favorite books) and left her little brother at his cousin's house to play (thanks again Danyelle), because we were fairly certain he wouldn't appreciate this grown-up movie. Great foresight on our part. On Saturday, we had an Opposite Party. We sent out invitations telling people they were NOT invited to a party that was NOT going to be on Saturday and was NOT for Macy's 9th birthday. Macy was so worried people were going to think were just being rude, but I assured her they would know they were invited simply by receiving the invitation in the first place. :) We had cake and ice cream for lunch, sandwiches for dessert, and all the guests took home birthday presents. The girls had a blast and Macy seemed to love it, so it was a success.
*Joined Facebook. I know. Seriously. Once again, I am a self-proclaimed hypocrite. I ended my boycott and decided to join the rest of the world. (I'm not gonna lie, peer pressure's tough!) And, I'm totally that person now that can't have a conversation without saying, "Did you see on so and so's status..." or "well, we're friends on Facebook and..." Yeah, I hate me too. It's been a blast feeling connected with my friends all day long, but a bit surreal reconnecting with people from my past. Very. Surreal.
*Started taking Wilton cake decorating classes!! I am so excited, I can't even tell you. I am obsessed with cake decorating as of late and drool at the mere thought of one day being able to create masterpieces out of fondant and gum paste. I've only taken one class so far, and, being the perfectionist that I am, hate that I'm not already a pro at it, but at least I'll learn patience, if not the art of icing the perfect cake.
And I think that's about it. What'd I tell ya? Crazy few weeks. Now if I could get rid of this ache on the left side of my head/face that I suspect is due to a cracked tooth, I'd be a happy camper. Oh, and for anyone that's wondering, I have around 75 tickets left. Better snag one if you want one!
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