Monday, November 2, 2009

Right Now

Right now

I am still laughing about this:

"Oh girls, guess what? The devil called and said you guys were doing awesome."

Right now

I am loving the silence in my home and the fact that I have chosen to blog instead of clean.

Right now

I am officially headache-free, thanks to a little blue pill. Seriously. 20+ years of excruciating headaches, several doctors, multiple tests, one MRI, and all it took was a little old neurologist with a bad comb-over in Walla Walla to tell me to switch pain-killers. Life never ceases to amaze me.

Right now

I'm contemplating what to have for lunch. Do I go with tasty? (Corn dog) Or healthy? (Smart Ones) Decisions, decisions.

Right now

I'm thinking about this and smiling.

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