Thursday, November 12, 2009

Better Late Than Never

I can hardly believe it.
New Moon is just around the corner and I couldn't be more excited!
Just a reminder to anyone who hasn't picked up their need to. I will NOT be standing in the lobby before the movie starts, waiting for people to get there. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but, I'm just sayin' it how it is.

So I realized I never did a Halloween post. I realize it's just a tad belated, but, whatever. For some reason blogging and me lately have grown a bit distant. We're working on our relationship though, trying to close the gap. We had a long chat last night and decided we both got a little lazy, a little comfortable, and neither of us were doing our part to keep the relationship alive. Fortunately we realized this before it was too late, while we could still salvage the relationship.

Halloween 2009

Macy the Vampira
(She chose this completely on her own, no influence from me whatsoever, I swear. It was a proud moment.)

Payson as Optimus Prime

Bill and I dusted off our old hippie costumes for a Halloween party at the Myers.

Bill won Funniest Costume! He even got a golden mummy statue, just about the coolest award I've ever seen.

We have to brag a little bit. Bill had the idea to add a little "flair" to his pants to make them more groovy. He had the idea to cut four slits in each pant leg and sew in some flower power fabric triangles to widen the leg into more of a "bell."

(Here Macy is helping me create the "before" picture)

And the after.

I have only ever sewn one other thing in my life and I had no idea how it would turn out but it totally worked!! I was so thrilled with the end result, and Bill was ecstatic with his 36" circumference! It especially made it worth it after he won the award. I like to think he won it because of my superior sewing skills.

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