Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Moon: The Movie Queen Weighs In

Less than thrilled to see...

Kristen Stewart still hasn't discovered that her facial muscles can be used for more than just looking angst-ridden, confused, and uncomfortable. (Although I gotta give the girl props--not many actors can pull off all three emotions at the same time.)

Jackson Rathbone is still not portraying Jasper as the hot, blonde movie-star-looking vampire that he is supposed to be, and is instead still channeling a certain appendage-challenged Johnny Depp character.

Curious to see...

Dakota as Jane

and why Bella is flashing gang signs as she runs to save Edward.

Hoping for less...

awkward meadow scenes

and monkey references.

Excited to see...

Some of this

Some of that

A little bit of this

And a WHOLE LOTTA that

T-29 hours and counting!!
Woot! Woot!

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