Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This Is What Happens When My Kids Go To Bed And I Have An Hour Alone With My Thoughts

~ Apparently writing a novel is, like, hard. Who would have thought? I'm starting to worry that my aspirations and my skill do not go hand in hand. What do you do when you have a near obsessive desire to do something that you just might not be good at?

~ My throat seriously hurts from yelling at my kids all day. We just watched Ella Enchanted and now I will dream tonight of kids who have to do what you say and don't have a choice in the matter. I love being a stay-at-home mom, I love being a stay-at-home mom, I love............

~ I am furious about the new song on the radio, "Kissed A Girl." It's frustrating enough to be driving in my car with my kids and have it come on and have to change it, but we were in Subway the other day and it came on and there was nothing I could do. I talked a lot to try and distract them from hearing the words. The worst part about it is it is DANG catchy and I always get it stuck in my head. Even worse is I love the song except for the lyrics. If it was about, oh, I don't know, kissing vampires or something, I'd have downloaded it in a heartbeat.

~ Speaking of vampires, 3 days left!!! (Is anyone planning on going to the B&N bash?)

~ I actually made dinner tonight, vegetables and everything. Go me. And I actually cleaned my bathroom today, even scrubbed my shower floor with a toothbrush. A toothbrush!

~ Is it very obvious that I am bored out of my mind and have absolutely no life? No? Okay, whew.

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