So, it's getting down to the wire and I'm getting extremely antsy.
To pass the time I am updating my blog.
But my mind is on one thing and one thing alone and I can't seem to think of anything else.
For those of you who are ready to spew at the sight of another Twilight post,
Was that harsh? Sorry. I promise that soon after tomorrow night the Twilight posts
will cool off. That is, after I blog all about tomorrow night and every thought and
opinion I have on the book! Heh heh heh.
So, I hope Jodi doesn't mind that I stole this off her blog
(I did tell her I was going to, that's the same as asking permission, right?)
But it is so funny and all you Twilighters will love it.
At least, the true Twilighters, the Team Edward Twilighters will love it.
As for the Team Jacob Twilighters, well, frankly, I have nothing to say to you.
So watch, laugh, enjoy.
Clip #1
Clip #2
Clip #3
Clip #4
To pass the time I am updating my blog.
But my mind is on one thing and one thing alone and I can't seem to think of anything else.
For those of you who are ready to spew at the sight of another Twilight post,
Was that harsh? Sorry. I promise that soon after tomorrow night the Twilight posts
will cool off. That is, after I blog all about tomorrow night and every thought and
opinion I have on the book! Heh heh heh.
So, I hope Jodi doesn't mind that I stole this off her blog
(I did tell her I was going to, that's the same as asking permission, right?)
But it is so funny and all you Twilighters will love it.
At least, the true Twilighters, the Team Edward Twilighters will love it.
As for the Team Jacob Twilighters, well, frankly, I have nothing to say to you.
So watch, laugh, enjoy.
Clip #1
Clip #2
Clip #3
Clip #4
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