Sunday, July 27, 2008

Then & Now & What's To Come

I was tagged by my awesome cousin, Noelle. Thanks Noelle!

20 years ago...

I was nine.

(I think I'm 10 or 11 in this picture, but it's the closest one I could find.
My nickname was Sally Jesse Raphael. Do you love it?)

I was your typical skinny, gangly, prepubescent girl with too-big glasses and hair-sprayed, feathered bangs. I don't have a lot of memories from this time in my life.

10 years ago...

I was 19.

I was single and living at home and HATING IT. (Well, the single part at least.) All my friends had gone away to BYU and I was basically killing time till I met Mr. Right, working as a waitress and going to CBC *cough* sleeping all day.

5 years ago...

I was 24.


Yeah. That's me. I had just had Payson and looked pretty much like this. (This was my license photo that I was stuck with for the following 5 years.) We were still living in our little house in Richland and trying to adjust to life with 2 kids.

3 years ago...

I was 26.

We had been in our new house a year and I had friends and a life again! I was kept pretty busy chasing after two little kids.

1 year ago...

I was 28.

I was pretty much hating life, trying to figure out what the heck was wrong with me! I was nauseous and dizzy all the time and thought for sure it would never end. Never did figure it out, but fortunately it decided to go away on its own come fall. Yeah, I know, weird.

Yesterday...(sorry, no picture of me yesterday.)

Was Saturday, which is now sacred at our house. It was a great day because we spent the first half getting honeydo's done and spent the second half swimming as a family. We ate lunch at Nothing But Noodles (Mmmmmm) and BBQ'd for dinner, our first all summer. After the kiblets were in bed Bill and I topped off the day with episodes of Third Watch, Season One (LOVE that show) and Oreo milkshakes from Jack in the Box. Does it get better than that?

In the next year...

Bill will start WSUTC in the fall. Other than that, more of the same. Macy will be in 2nd grade (!!!) and Payson will be in preschool again, three days a week. (Yay me!)

This was so much fun, I'm tagging Kim, Amy J., Shayla and Rachael.

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