Monday, April 28, 2008

24 Things About Me

Brenda tagged me and I feel so honored!

1) Four Places I Go Over and Over:
~ Walmart
~ McDonalds
~ church
~ Macy's school

2) Four People Who E-Mail Me:
~ Shayla
~ Noelle
~ Rachael
~ Kim

3) Four of My Favorite Foods:
~ Cheetos
~ fettuccine Alfredo
~ 7-Layer Burrito w/o guacamole
~ corndogs

4) Four Places I would Rather be Right Now:
~ Hawaii
~ in bed
~ at the movies
~ in bed

5) Four People I Think Will Respond:
~ Amy
~ Lisa L.
~ Rachael
~ Noelle

6) Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
~ Phantom of the Opera
~ Sense and Sensibility
~ Titanic
~ 13 Going on 30

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