Friday, October 23, 2009

Do You Have Any Cheese To Go With This Whine?

I'm attempting to post from my iPhone for the first time. I haven't been able to make it work before. If it's all crazy we'll know why. I'm posting from my bed, sick. I don't know what I have but I'm pretty sure it's not the swine flu. I don't have a fever, just stomach stuff. Oddly enough, I think my phobia has caused me to develop superhuman powers. I have literally willed away my ability to throw up. Although this may sound like a dream come true for me, it can actually be a curse.

I can't physically sleep anymore, my head hurts from laying in bed all day, and something I didn't think possible happened: I am sick to death of the games on my iPhone. I don't have a good book to read, which is just criminal when you're sick in bed. I don't have anything to watch, either. I tried watching the new New Moon trailer on YouTube but apparently 3 x 4 inch screens don't make for great video viewing. I am feeling very cut off from the outside world so this is my attempt to communicate with it, even if it's one-sided.

So I'm wishing I had something to entertain me while simultaneously speeding up the process of recovery. Don't they have an app for that?

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