Saturday, May 3, 2008


Mariah Carey Weds Nick Cannon

For a look at Mariah's wedding dress, click here.

Countdown Til Jessica Alba's Baby Arrives

(A personal countdown for me, because frankly, I'm sick to death
of hearing about it.)

John Mayer's New Do

He announced on his blog that his new personal goal was to bring back
the 80's feathered hair do. “I want everyone who reads PEOPLE magazine to know how important this haircut is,” Mayer said. "It’s important because it draws people together. Feel it. Run your fingers through my hair, and tell me what it feels like. It feels like silk.”

Pete Wentz

Aw, look at that. He's showing the world just how ready he is for the
responsibility of marriage and fatherhood.

Miley's Photo Scandal

Madonna defended Miley's controversial Vanity Fair photos, saying,
"Leave her alone. She's gonna be 16 soon and then 17 and then 18,
and then she might show her knees and then what's gonna happen?"

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